Good Earth Village is our congregational supported camp.

Sponsorship Information

Camp Sponsorship Application

Equipping all ages to love and serve God and people is a priority at Christ Lutheran Church. In order to encourage families to invest in Bible Camp, we offer camp sponsorships for youth currently in 1st through 12th grade. Most young people remember the great times and the learning experiences of camp for their entire life. Parents have told us that they were amazed at the change in their young person during the bible camp week.

The camp sponsorship program works as follows:

  1. CLC will pay 60%, up to $225, of the registration fee at Good Earth Village, our congregational supported camp. Special rates apply.
  2. For other Christian Bible camps we will pay 50% up to $225 or ½ of the camp cost, whichever is less.
  3. All applications made by May 15th will receive financial support. If the total amount requested exceeds the funds available, the amount of support will be reduced on a percentage basis. If funds are still available after May 15th or later, additional applications will be approved on a first-come basis.
  4. All Christian bible camps are eligible for support. Camps such as YMCA & sport camps are not eligible because they are not intentionally designed for Christian faith development.
  5. Verification of registration is required before any monies are paid to the Bible camp. You may e-mail your camp registration verification to  The church will send a check to the camp for the church’s portion. Reimbursements, if applicable, will be sent directly to you from the camp.
  6. For those with a financial need, assistance is available. Please contact Pastor Steve.
  7. Sponsorships are available only for Christ Lutheran Church members. The Bible Camp Sponsorship Application forms can be found on the church website at or on the kiosk in the narthex.  Please use one form per child.