

Important Links

Acolyte Schedule

Weekly Class Schedule

Registration Link

Service projects

Progress Report

Confirmation Service Project Form

Confirmation Sermon Notes Form

Confirmation is a three year program beginning with preconfirmation in 6th Grade Sunday School. In sixth grade students engage in worship and study the 10 commandments and the Lord’s Prayer from Luther’s Small Catechism in Sunday School.

First and Second year Wednesday night (generally 7th and 8th grades) confirmands work through the Old Testament one year and through the New Testament the other year. The focus turns to Sunday morning worship and Wednesday evening classes. The Wednesday evening classes have a lecture with Pastor Susan or Pastor Judy and small group learning with adult mentors. Within the small groups there are opportunities for service projects and group building activities. There is a retreat in the fall that has included a ropes/walls course. Confirmands participate as acolytes in worship as well as record sermon notes. There is a retreat in the Spring for second year confirmands to review, do group building and to prepare for confirmation Sunday.

If you have questions feel free to contact Pastor Susan at or Pastor Judy at